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helps standardize HR and talent acquisition practices that accelerate efforts to meet our diversity goals. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index committee also creates strategic accountability for results, offers governance and oversight on diversity efforts and promotes companywide communication on For the sixth consecutive year, The Standard The CEI rates companies on detailed criteria falling progress. received a score of 100 on the Human Rights under four central pillars: Campaign Foundation’s 2022 Corporate Equality • Nondiscrimination policies across business Employee Resource Groups Index, the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey entities The Standard’s employee resource groups, each with and report measuring corporate policies and • an executive sponsor and funding, engage members practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. Equitable benefts for LGBTQ+ workers and and the broader company through three pillars: their families • • The results of the 2022 CEI showcase how U.S.- Supporting an inclusive culture Career — How are we helping members based companies are not only promoting LGBTQ+- • enhance their careers? How can we be a talent Corporate social responsibility engine for the company? friendly workplace policies in the U.S., but also for the 57% of CEI-rated companies with global • Culture — How are we creating connection and operations who are helping advance LGBTQ+ a sense of belonging? How are we contributing inclusion in workplaces abroad. The Standard’s to everyone feeling welcome at The Standard? efforts in satisfying all the CEI’s criteria earned a • Community — How are we connecting and 100% ranking and designation as one of the Best getting involved with the communities where we Places to Work in 2022. live and work? Each ERG brings together people who want to make a difference in specifc areas that beneft our company and our community. Celebrating Racial and Ethnic Diversity, or CRED Mission: Honoring the diverse heritage and cultural backgrounds of the employee community at The Standard. 2022 membership: 269 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 8

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