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Morgan State University Actuarial Scholarship Program Actuarial science — using mathematical Together, The Standard and MSU developed a and statistical methods to assess risk — is program to support underserved students with a cornerstone of our company’s success fnancial need and to provide a renewable four- and an in-demand skillset across industries. year scholarship for those pursuing a career as Historically, there have been barriers to diversity an actuary. In addition to fnancial support, the in the discipline, including lack of awareness scholarship program includes a paid internship about career options among traditionally opportunity at The Standard, allowing participants underrepresented groups as well as fnancial to earn money working part-time during the school barriers for professional exam materials and year or over the summer. credentialing fees for those who choose this career track. “The Morgan State scholarship is a signifcant next step in our DEI journey,” said Sally Manaf, As part of a larger effort to foster diversity in the vice president, corporate actuary and chief risk actuarial community, employees in the Actuarial offcer at The Standard. “It reinforces our shared Community of Practice at The Standard proposed commitment to diversity, sends a clear message creating an actuarial scholarship at a Historically about our company values, supports our recruiting Black College or University to enhance access to efforts and helps energize and strengthen our the profession and simultaneously raise awareness actuarial community.” about The Standard as a future employer. The ACoP contacted Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. MSU is the only HBCU offering a Bachelor of Science in actuarial science and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics with a minor in actuarial science. Courtesy of Morgan State University 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 7

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