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Green Team Women’s Career Network promote diverse representation in children’s literature. Mission: Promoting business practices and employee Mission: Offering members opportunities to foster The effort raised more than $16,000 for SMART actions that further efforts to create a sustainable personal and professional growth through networking Reading, a statewide literacy nonproft. SMART future for our company, our communities and our events, educational seminars and community volunteer Reading’s “A Story Like Mine” initiative aims to fll environment. opportunities. children’s homes and lives with beautiful, engaging 2022 membership: 92 2022 membership: 353 books to help them develop literacy skills they need to succeed in school. Studies confrm that children and Money$mart ERGs Making a Difference — families engage more with books when they can see Mission: Inspiring employees of The Standard to meet Spotlight on Programming themselves refected in the pages they read and when their fnancial goals. Mental health awareness they have access to books in their home language. As 2022 membership: 424 Partners in Mind collaborated with CRED, Parents a result of these efforts, SMART Reading purchased Working Together, SERV, StandOUT and Women’s more than 650 inclusive book bundles. Parents Working Together Career Network to host two discussion sessions about Mission: Valuing people collaborating, sharing the impact of the pandemic on daily life. As part of a Pride Month parenting resources and celebrating family milestones. series about mental health, the discussion provided StandOUT partnered with the Green Team and 2022 membership: 232 a space for employees from diverse populations Partners in Mind to celebrate Pride Month with a series including people of color, working parents, individuals of events. Partners in Mind with mental health concerns, veterans, LGBTQ+ Mission: Supporting healthy minds and well- individuals, women and people with disabilities to share StandOUT and the Green Team led a volunteer being through awareness, education and building their individual experiences. cleanup of downtown Portland just ahead of the community. Portland Pride Parade. 2022 membership: 105 SERV and Partners in Mind hosted a Fitness Challenge for mental health, which encouraged employees to Partners in Mind co-sponsored a two-part discussion The Standard Employees Recognizing Veterans, exercise regularly for improved emotional and mental in June about the emotional effects of proposed or SERV wellness. legislation in some states restricting LGBTQ+ people, Mission: Supporting veteran employees and their targeting their freedom of expression, the safety of family members. Partners in Mind also sponsored a walk for employees transgender students and access to health for gender 2022 membership: 60 of The Standard to support mental health awareness dysphoria. This ended with a national online celebration benefting the National Alliance on Mental Illness. for employees and in-person participation in the StandOUT Portland Pride Parade. Mission: Cultivating LGBTQ+ inclusion at Virtual book drive The Standard and in the community. CRED, Parents Working Together and StandOUT 2022 membership: 146 partnered in 2022 to host a fundraising drive to 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 9

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