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United Nations Sustainable The SDGs are a call for action by all countries to Giving and Other Key Data Points Development Goals promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They 2022 Total Giving The Standard believes that businesses have a recognize that ending poverty must go hand in hand • critical role to play to help achieve the United Nations $7.2 million with strategies that build economic growth and address 2022 Employee Giving Campaign Sustainable Development Goals, which frame broad a range of social needs including education, health, societal objectives for the world’s most pressing social, • social protection and job opportunities while tackling $5.5 million donated, including two-for-one environmental and economic challenges. We have climate change. company match identifed three SDGs that offer the greatest opportunity • 1,600 employees participated to make a difference given their relevance to our Communities • business. The company that would become The Standard 2,168 nonproft organizations and schools was founded in 1906 based on two radical ideas for supported the time: provide local services for customers and 2022 Employee Engagement contribute to the well-being of the community. Our • 47 senior leaders served on nonproft and company has grown considerably since those early civic boards days, but our dual focus — delivering exceptional • customer service and bettering the places where we 15 grants awarded through Dollar for Doers program for employees providing exceptional live and work — continues to guide us today. nonproft service At The Standard, our business purpose is to help The Standard has been deepening and expanding people achieve fnancial well-being and peace of mind. relationships with several BIPOC-led organizations Our company exists to help people, with our employees focused on racial equality, economic empowerment, as the backbone of that culture of caring. Whether housing and diverse storytelling. We are committed to through volunteerism, serving on a nonproft or civic using our corporate philanthropy in partnership with board or giving generously through the Employee Giving these populations to uplift their communities. Campaign, employees at The Standard are at the center of everything we do to support our communities. Historically, organizations led by and focused on people of color receive less than 8% of all philanthropic giving in the United States, despite the increasingly diverse population across the country. In 2021, The Standard and The Standard Charitable Foundation increased funding for these organizations to 21% of our overall giving total. 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 10

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