How well do your bene昀椀ts work to support di昀昀erent employee populations? The short quiz below can give you an idea of how well your bene昀椀ts are serving your employees — and how you’re doing compared to other companies. Take the Quiz © 2023 StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. The Standard is a marketing name for StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. and subsidiaries. Insurance products are o昀昀ered by Standard Insurance Company of 1100 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, in all states except New York, where insurance products are o昀昀ered by The Standard Life Insurance Company of New York of 333 Westchester Avenue, West Building, Suite 300, White Plains, New York. Product features and availability vary by state and company, and are solely the responsibility of each subsidiary. Each company is solely responsible for its own 昀椀nancial condition. Standard Insurance Company is licensed to solicit insurance business in all states except New York. The Standard Life Insurance Company of New York is licensed to solicit insurance business in only the state of New York. Research and Insights | The Standard
Moments of Truth How Employees Facing a Disabling Event Experience Benefits Page 6