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As described in the Energy section, our company data center is also signifcantly more energy effcient than Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2021 base year)* traditional data centers. Scope 1 direct emissions Scope 2 emissions (market-based) Climate Change 1,403.8 1,908.6 Climate change remains a serious challenge for the (metric tons CO e) (metric tons CO e) world, and our company and employees play a role 2 2 in addressing it. We recognize our company has an associated carbon footprint through daily business Total Scope 1 and 2 emissions Emissions including RECs** per FTE operations and we continually work to assess, reduce 3,312.4 1.02 and mitigate these emissions while simultaneously (metric tons CO e) (metric tons CO e per person) reducing costs and improving operational effciencies. 2 2 Our largest direct impact is the energy used to power our facilities. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Source (2021) In 2022, The Standard retained Deloitte to undertake Scope 1 Scope 2 (market-based) a greenhouse gas, or GHG, inventory. With 2021 designated as a baseline year, The Standard did a 86% 99.6% calculation of scope 1 and 2 emissions. Scope 1 are Stationary combustion Purchased electricity direct greenhouse emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by the company. Scope 14% 0.4% 2 are indirect emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat or cooling. Our greenhouse Fugitive emissions Purchased steam emissions are calculated in line with the standard GHG * U.S. operations reporting protocol. **Renewable Energy Certifcates The Standard remains committed to reducing its Key GHG Emissions Takeaways carbon footprint and our efforts over the past decade • 2021 location-based emissions are 50% lower than in 2008 are making a difference. The company’s 2021 location- • Emissions are tied primarily to company-owned facilities and based emissions are 50% lower than the frst study energy sources measuring emissions conducted in 2008. We attribute • Further reductions are anticipated through sustainable energy the decline to two key factors including renewable sources and reduced consumption energy certifcates and enhanced energy effciency efforts in company-owned real estate. 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 21

Environmental, Social and Governance Report - Page 23 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Page 22 Page 24