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Corporate Giving Cultural Development Corporate giving at The Standard is focused on Arts and cultural organizations play a major role four areas: healthy communities, disability and in vibrant communities. The Standard supports empowerment, cultural development, and education organizations that offer multicultural art programs and and advancement. provide enhanced access for the community including underserved members. Specifcally, we fund and Healthy Communities encourage programs that build audiences and promote Strong, vibrant communities are a critical source the arts through education, interactive media and of security for all residents. We fund organizations artistic excellence. that provide support, training and rehabilitation to individuals and families facing signifcant challenges. Courtesy of FACT Oregon Partnership spotlight: The Standard is a long- We also fund programs that help individuals and Disability and Empowerment time supporter of Literary Arts, a community-based families develop capabilities to increase self-suffciency. Disability insurance is one of The Standard’s core organization with a mission to engage readers, support products, helping people overcome hardships and writers and inspire the next generation with great empowering them to succeed. The Standard supports literature. Support from The Standard funded an in- organizations that help people with disabilities thrive person visit and reading by writer Brit Bennett, author independently and overcome barriers to social and of New York Times bestselling novels “The Mothers” economic success. We also support programs that and “The Vanishing Half.” Bennett’s visit was part of the provide relief during transitions to independent living. Literary Arts Portland Arts & Lectures series. Partnership spotlight: Studies indicate that youth Partnership spotlight: As a large, private employer with disabilities are far less likely to engage in physical with an outsized presence in Portland, The Standard activity or organized sports than their non-disabled continues to seek opportunities to help revitalize peers. The Standard partnered with FACT Oregon, downtown and bring residents together in meaningful a statewide organization that empowers families ways. The company was a proud sponsor of the experiencing disability in their pursuit of a whole life Portland Parks Foundation’s PASEO, a three-day by expanding awareness, growing community and festival in July. PASEO flled the city’s Director Park equipping individuals to participate in the All Ability and South Park Blocks with music, dance, spoken Tri4Youth. The Tri4Youth series of events helps families word and other creative performances along with yoga and disabled youth build a practice of ftness into their and healthful family activities. It also brought together daily lives and increase access to community-based diverse cultural nonprofts from around the city. sports and recreation. In 2022, All Ability Tri4Youth events included a virtual ftness challenge and an in-person bike-run. Courtesy of Literary Arts 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 12

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