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At a time when offce dress codes across the industry a quarterly volunteer award for exceptional employee were a little more prescribed, it was a big hit and during volunteer service. the past 16 years the program raised more than $5 million for partner organizations. EGC organizers announced a new program in 2021 — the Denim Impact Fund — which preserves the best of the old program while updating it to better meet the moment. Participants donate $100 to fund nonproft partners and receive a special T-shirt as well as join a community of others who want to make a “DIF- ference.” Of course, participants can still wear jeans when they’re in the offce. During the 2022 EGC, we raised more than $358,000 for these Denim Impact Fund partners focused on youth behavioral health and crisis intervention: • Trillium Family Services — $205,000 Board Service • Lines for Life — $58,000 The Standard expects offcers of the company to • National Alliance on Mental Illness — $51,000 Volunteer Expo serve on at least one civic, school or nonproft board, • and provides training opportunities for all employees Lighthouse Youth and Family Services — For 15 years, The Standard has hosted the Volunteer $19,000 interested in developing the expertise needed to be a Expo — an event celebrating the spirit of community successful board member. In 2022, many employees • Mental Health Association of Westchester — by connecting employees and members of the public took advantage of our annual board training and $13,000 with local nonprofts seeking volunteers. Over its nearly 50 of our senior leaders served on one or more • lifetime, the Volunteer Expo has connected thousands Humankind — $13,000 nonproft or civic boards. of participants with hundreds of nonprofts. Volunteerism The Standard provides employees with annual paid In 2022, the Volunteer Expo was held in person for time off to volunteer. Many employees use those hours the frst time since 2020. The Virtual Volunteer Expo to support community partners including schools, website — — features more hunger relief organizations, literacy programs and many than 100 nonproft organizations and is available year- other worthy groups. The company also celebrates round to help connect employees and members of volunteerism by providing Dollars for Doers grants and the public with volunteer opportunities where they can share their skills and passion. 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 15

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